Actually gave a client the long looks/lifestyle talk tonight. It pains me to see these guys who don。ヌt realize how good-looking they could be if they just put 6-8 months of effort into their fitness and fashion. It sounds like a lot, but the dividends last a lifetime and literally make EVERY phase of the seduction process easier.

May 29, 2011 at 1:04 am · Reply
you ever go out looking like shit on purpose just to boost your active attraction skills? Like going to the gym and lifting more weight。トhaha

Wow. Great post. One question I have, how do you think you get to that level of giving everything your all if you never have an ephiphanal moment like the one you described above? I。ヌve never seen anyone die before my eyes, so I。ヌve never had the shock of realising the fragility of my own mortality. So how do you reach that understanding otherwise? Obviously it。ヌs a case of a day by day thing; slowly putting in more effort in all areas of your life, and letting your true personality show through more and more, but what are some practical ways of doing this (seeing as this is your area of expertise)? Personally, some little things I。ヌve been doing are trying to look every person in the face and hold eye contact through-out my day, not ignoring homeless people on the street but trying to think compassionate thoughts about the difficulty of their lives, and generally trying to suspend judgmental thoughts on the people around me.

On a larger scale, I worked with my own fears to quit my job and travel again and to admit to myself that I was covering up a lot of the areas of weakness in my life that I wasn。ヌt working on.

Do you have any suggestions to add to these or to amend them? I feel like I。ヌm still looking for that dead certainty feeling of KNOWING that I。ヌm putting my all into life, even as an occasional feeling and not a constant one.